While a famous Scotland win at Hampden is usually greeted with the tannoy blasting Status Quo's’ “Rockin All Over The World”, this week saw Hampden hosting Expo Scotland, where attendees were tweeting, rather than rocking, all over the world.
Social media experts, novices, content marketers, law firms and business owners descended on the National Stadium for a series of seminars and networking opportunities at the Social Media and Marketing Show.
As a business specialising in content marketing for law firms, we went along to see what we could learn from Expo 2015 and how we could adapt and potentially improve our digital media aspect.
We were treated to a talk from social media expert/stand-up comedian Ross “Teddy” Craig on the best ways to reach a relevant market using social media. Craig explained the importance of a company knowing the audience, the medium and the correct channel to use. He stated that there is “no point in your company being places if your audience aren’t there”. He also spoke of the importance of building a community and a daily relationship with businesses, rather than simply trying to attract a faceless follower.
Other talks on social media platforms, such as Twitter came from Neil Simpson and Graham Innes. At “The Secrets of the Little Blue Bird” seminar, Innes spoke of the importance of Twitter for any business, with the social media tool being the third largest search engine in the world. He pointed to the fact 40% of all those on Twitter use it as a search engine - not necessarily to tweet. The social media expert spoke of the importance of using aspects of Twitter correctly, such as the bio, the profile and cover picture, Twitter lists and the importance of utilising images and a variation of content on the social platform.
Great day so far at #exposcotland but for some reason we keep thinking of James McFadden Any idea why? #Expo2015#sfapic.twitter.com/37rgPOU1vq
— Curated Media (@_CuratedMedia) May 6, 2015
One of the highest attended talks of the day highlighted the importance of quality content, particularly when sharing on ‘non-selling’ platforms such as FaceBook. Social media coach, Liz Melville, spoke of the issues around gaining traction on Facebook and other social media platforms. Whilst she stated that running competitions and offering sign ups was a good idea to initially gain an audience, it often meant that some would only sign up on the basis of a single offer, rather than because they were a fan of the brand making the offer.
Melville stated that it is vital for businesses engaging in social media marketing to understand their customers. In order to do this, it is important to understand your target audience and interact “where your customers hang out”. Crucially, it is paramount to “create amazing content” that the audience wants to engage with.
High-quality content can be used to draw customers in, interact with others and appeal to your audience’s interests. Melville spoke of the importance of finding your own sweet spot in regards to content distribution, mixing content types on social media platforms to keep your content fresh, and create an expectation of high quality around your site and company.
Great talk from @lizmelv on using social media & the simple ways to kickstart a #Facebook page. #DigitalMedia #exposcotland
— Curated Media (@_CuratedMedia) May 6, 2015
Whilst Expo Scotland was insightful in regards to developing digital strategies for our company, we noticed that one of the key issues in every talk was content. For law firms in particular, creating engaging quality content can be a very difficult process. Not only is it difficult to engage an audience, but many lawyers struggle to find time to create high-quality engaging content in an appropriate manner. Content is vital to any law firm, especially those working in saturated markets, as it can make them stand out from competitors. High quality, trusted content can generate more hits to your site, improve engagement and increase engagement.
By outsourcing your content to Curated Media, we can ensure that your content is working for your firm, moving you up search rankings and making you more prominent through search engines. By getting to know our clients, we can ensure that the content we create is relevant and of high-quality, that can breath new life into your digital marketing strategy.
To find out how we can help, and to enquire into the creation of content, whether it be blog pieces, landing pages, website revamps, legal guides or press releases, our team of skilled legal writers can help. At Curated Media, we specialise in writing optimised legal content, so you don’t have to.