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Content Marketing Trends: How Can Your Business Best Prepare for 2016?

Content Marketing Trends: How Can Your Business Best Prepare for 2016?
Content Marketing Trends 2016
If your News Year’s Resolution is focusing on your content marketing more than developing your fitness, then this is the blog for you.As we begin 2016, it is the perfect time to think about what lies ahead for the content marketing world and the shifts that some businesses are going to go through in the next twelve months. In this post we take a look at some of the trends that may soon be at the heart of online business.Mobile is the New NormIt’s fair to say that companies have, in the past, focused their content, app and web development strategy primarily on the needs of the desktop user, with other platforms coming as an afterthought - many sites are still not properly designed to operate using a mobile phone. However, 2015 showed that the trend was slowly buckling due to the sheer number of mobile visitors to websites. This increase...
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