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Why Law Firms Must Employ a Strategic Approach to Content Distribution

Why Law Firms Must Employ a Strategic Approach to Content Distribution
Legal content marketing
Effective Distribution is Key to Successful Legal Content Marketing Creating and publishing high-quality legal content that speaks to your law firm’s target audience is just the beginning of the content marketing process. At the heart of any successful legal content marketing strategy is effective content distribution. By targeting the distribution of your content, you guarantee its amplification. All too often, law firms and lawyers take the time to create great blogs, in-depth articles and infographics, for example, yet neglect to strategically think ahead about how, where and when to position these in front of the people that actually matter.“Content is King but distribution is Queen, and she runs the household.” - Gary Vaynerchuck Understanding how to properly leverage strategic distribution techniques is essential in ensuring that the time and effort you invest in your content marketing efforts is worthwhile. Furthermore, Google being the clever search powerhouse that it is, rewards high-quality content by recognising...
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