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Why Should You Be Watching HBO’s “The Jinx”?

Why Should You Be Watching HBO’s “The Jinx”?
Recently we spoke of our joy at the announcement of a second series of Serial and looked at how effectively Serial had rejuvenated the podcast medium. Well, Curated Towers has been gripped by a new phenomenon: HBO’s The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst.Admittedly, we are a little late to the party, but they do say that it’s better to be late than never show up at all, right?What is "The Jinx"?The series revolves around a host of murders connected with Robert Durst, a New York real estate mogul. Put together by director Andrew Jarecki for HBO, The Jinx sees Durst discuss the unsolved disappearance of his wife Kathie in 1982 and the killing of writer Susan Berman in 2000. The mini-series also looks at the murder of his neighbour, for which Durst was tried and acquitted.Using security and media footage, reconstructions and police evidence, The Jinx analyses the investigations...
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