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Episode 3 - Law Firm Partners Meeting – Content Strategy

Episode 3 - Law Firm Partners Meeting – Content Strategy

Following Episode 2

In the previous episode, Andrew begged his colleagues to create some content for their new website but could not understand why their content was not performing, despite having no strategy in place.

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  4503 Hits
4503 Hits

Legal Content: Held to Higher Standards by Google

Legal Content: Held to Higher Standards by Google
Google Legal Content Quality
As a lawyer, I am fully aware that the legal sector is subject to extensive regulation given the nature of the job and the importance of maintaining standards and professional integrity. So it shouldn’t really come as any surprise to lawyers to hear that legal content, when published online, is subjected to the most extensive scrutiny by Google, much more so than is the case for many other industries.Why does Google treat legal content differently?For all industries, Google is generally looking to show search results with websites that it deems to have authority and can be trusted. After all, when we search online we really only want to see sites that are trustworthy, usually from businesses or sites with general information that we can rely upon or do business with.Buying a pair of running shoes, though, is clearly of far less consequence than obtaining legal advice on a potentially life changing...
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  5386 Hits
5386 Hits

Five Ways For Law Firms To Rejuvenate Their Content Marketing

Five Ways For Law Firms To Rejuvenate Their Content Marketing
content tips
Many law firms are experts at what they do, whether it be criminal defence, personal injury or employment law. With legal cases, clients and fresh claims coming in, it can be difficult to keep your content up-to-date and not get stuck in bad habits when it comes to content creation.Content is vitally important for your online personality, it assures customers that you are a professional firm, provides vital information for existing and potential clients and aids your firm’s visibility on search engines. Yet despite content being crucial to the online success of a company, many law firms still struggle to create and follow a successful content marketing strategy.At Curated Media, we specialise in writing legal content for law firms. Here we look at five ways to update, or freshen-up, your content marketing endeavours.Native AdvertisingNative advertising is advertising that matches the form and the platform on which it appears. Social media sites...
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  3870 Hits
3870 Hits

Why Should You Be Watching HBO’s “The Jinx”?

Why Should You Be Watching HBO’s “The Jinx”?
Recently we spoke of our joy at the announcement of a second series of Serial and looked at how effectively Serial had rejuvenated the podcast medium. Well, Curated Towers has been gripped by a new phenomenon: HBO’s The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst.Admittedly, we are a little late to the party, but they do say that it’s better to be late than never show up at all, right?What is "The Jinx"?The series revolves around a host of murders connected with Robert Durst, a New York real estate mogul. Put together by director Andrew Jarecki for HBO, The Jinx sees Durst discuss the unsolved disappearance of his wife Kathie in 1982 and the killing of writer Susan Berman in 2000. The mini-series also looks at the murder of his neighbour, for which Durst was tried and acquitted.Using security and media footage, reconstructions and police evidence, The Jinx analyses the investigations...
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  4903 Hits
4903 Hits

Why Are Some Law Firms Still Failing To Master Content Marketing

Why Are Some Law Firms Still Failing To Master Content Marketing
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Online marketing is all about content. Every content blog, research paper or expert on Twitter will try and slip in that “content is king” and that good quality content is the key to any online success. It’s been well known and documented by experts, yet, firms continually get content marketing wrong. How, in this Golden Age, are legal firms still failing to engage with clients online?Why Should Legal Firms Outsource Their Content?There is a serious issue when it comes to legal firms creating content - for many, simply getting content out there, no matter its quality or relevance, is assumed to be enough. Some firms update their sites with short, relatively meaningless and impersonal content, believing it to satisfy potential customers and show their site is up to date.This goes against all that we stand for at Curated Media. We believe in creating high quality, in-depth and optimised content.According to a...
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  4551 Hits
4551 Hits