Curated Media

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Law Firm Marketing Strategics: Why Every Client is an Internet Client

Law Firm Marketing Strategics: Why Every Client is an Internet Client

I spend a lot of time talking to lawyers about the Internet. Quite often, usually at our first meeting, I will hear the comment: “We don’t get any business at all from the internet”. This is usually said in one of two ways; with pride or as a lament. Those who talk with pride believe their reputation alone brings them work, and thus they have no need of ‘internet work’. Those who speak with despair talk of their website never serving up business opportunities, either through not being prominent online or the site being nothing more than an online brochure, which doesn’t in any way articulate their expertise and service offering.

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  4616 Hits
4616 Hits

The Rise of Automation: Why the Legal Industry Shouldn’t Fear AI

The Rise of Automation: Why the Legal Industry Shouldn’t Fear AI

Artificial intelligence is on the horizon, and it’ll be able to achieve feats far superior to those the humble human brain is capable of. But lawyers and law firms shouldn’t worry too much – it’s an opportunity to put our sluggish biological lumps of grey matter to better use.

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  4941 Hits
4941 Hits

Let’s Talk About: Outreach

Let’s Talk About: Outreach
This is the beginning of what will be an occasional segment in which we discuss one of the key matters of business and content strategy. We aim to keep it light, brief and to the point as well as giving some insightful information about our own content and how we manage our own channels.So, without further-a-do… OutreachOutreach is one of the most important aspects of any business model, and, it’s exactly what you think it is. Outreach is how you tell customers about your content and how you get them to view said content. You are effectively reaching out to them to inform them about what is going on and why they may be interested. Outreach can take many forms from the simple old word of mouth to a hazarding upon a hidden gem.It is important that you use as much as possible and as many opportunities to publish and push...
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  3539 Hits
3539 Hits