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How Can Law Firms Succeed in Search?

How Can Law Firms Succeed in Search?
shutterstock 290831636
Members of Team Curated offer some insights into key components that can help law firms improve their sites’ search ranking. Broadly, it’s about creating a site and content that appeal to users as much as search engines.Senior Content Strategist Emma Flood describes nurturing and growing your website for search through strategy and commitment:"Many people believe that succeeding in search is all about SEO wizardry, but this is only part of the story. Like most other endeavours succeeding in search is also about good old-fashioned hard work. When you build a website for your law firm, it is similar to setting up shop. You don’t simply put up an open sign and expect clients to find you, you still need to put in a great effort to find clients and attract their attention to your business. One of the best ways of attracting new clients in search is through creating consistent, high-quality...
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  5177 Hits
5177 Hits

Episode 3 - Law Firm Partners Meeting – Content Strategy

Episode 3 - Law Firm Partners Meeting – Content Strategy

Following Episode 2

In the previous episode, Andrew begged his colleagues to create some content for their new website but could not understand why their content was not performing, despite having no strategy in place.

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  4748 Hits
4748 Hits

Legal Content: Held to Higher Standards by Google

Legal Content: Held to Higher Standards by Google
Google Legal Content Quality
As a lawyer, I am fully aware that the legal sector is subject to extensive regulation given the nature of the job and the importance of maintaining standards and professional integrity. So it shouldn’t really come as any surprise to lawyers to hear that legal content, when published online, is subjected to the most extensive scrutiny by Google, much more so than is the case for many other industries.Why does Google treat legal content differently?For all industries, Google is generally looking to show search results with websites that it deems to have authority and can be trusted. After all, when we search online we really only want to see sites that are trustworthy, usually from businesses or sites with general information that we can rely upon or do business with.Buying a pair of running shoes, though, is clearly of far less consequence than obtaining legal advice on a potentially life changing...
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  5666 Hits
5666 Hits

Ghostbusters: When ghostwriting works… and when it doesn’t

Ghostbusters: When ghostwriting works… and when it doesn’t
Ghost Writing Curated Media
There’s a ghoulish rumour going around that some law firms don’t write their content. Some firms employ ghostwriters to write content on their behalf. I hope we haven’t given you too much of a fright… Here at Curated Media, we have been startled by some even more terrifying divinations – that employing ghostwriters doesn't work as a marketing strategy. Instead of packing up shop, we're here to dispel this rumour, not only because we’re of the opinion that the right ghostwriter can bring a firm’s online presence to life… but also because busting makes us feel like Bill Murray.The Spectre at the FeastAs we have heard time and time again, the purpose of online content is to give value to the site visitor, and ultimately convince the visitor that you are the right firm for them. Much of this content relies on giving the impression of thought leadership and authenticity. However,...
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  4706 Hits
4706 Hits

Let’s Talk About: Outreach

Let’s Talk About: Outreach
This is the beginning of what will be an occasional segment in which we discuss one of the key matters of business and content strategy. We aim to keep it light, brief and to the point as well as giving some insightful information about our own content and how we manage our own channels.So, without further-a-do… OutreachOutreach is one of the most important aspects of any business model, and, it’s exactly what you think it is. Outreach is how you tell customers about your content and how you get them to view said content. You are effectively reaching out to them to inform them about what is going on and why they may be interested. Outreach can take many forms from the simple old word of mouth to a hazarding upon a hidden gem.It is important that you use as much as possible and as many opportunities to publish and push...
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  3652 Hits
3652 Hits

Five Ways For Law Firms To Rejuvenate Their Content Marketing

Five Ways For Law Firms To Rejuvenate Their Content Marketing
content tips
Many law firms are experts at what they do, whether it be criminal defence, personal injury or employment law. With legal cases, clients and fresh claims coming in, it can be difficult to keep your content up-to-date and not get stuck in bad habits when it comes to content creation.Content is vitally important for your online personality, it assures customers that you are a professional firm, provides vital information for existing and potential clients and aids your firm’s visibility on search engines. Yet despite content being crucial to the online success of a company, many law firms still struggle to create and follow a successful content marketing strategy.At Curated Media, we specialise in writing legal content for law firms. Here we look at five ways to update, or freshen-up, your content marketing endeavours.Native AdvertisingNative advertising is advertising that matches the form and the platform on which it appears. Social media sites...
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  4062 Hits
4062 Hits

Does Content Lie Away From Websites?

Does Content Lie Away From Websites?
NY Times
The New York Times has always been a leader, continuously publishing since 1851, winning 114 Pulitzer Prizes along the way; so it’s a safe bet to say that they are pretty good at what they do. But the digital age hasn’t exactly been the most glorious time in the illustrious history of one of the most popular newspapers in America - and it is this troubled past that makes the New York Times latest move even more risky, and more surprising.The New York Times announced recently that they would start moving away from publishing directly to their website (which has a paywall), and instead place their articles directly on Facebook through a new Facebook publishing app. Why has such a move been brought about? Will it pay off? Furthermore, could it work for law firms?Content Publication on Social MediaThe rise of social media has changed almost every aspect of business. Whether...
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  5205 Hits
5205 Hits