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How to Track Content Marketing Effectively

How to Track Content Marketing Effectively
Many people are great at generating content but don't spend any time tracking the results of their efforts. In terms of building your business and giving your client base what they want, this is a big miss. Taking the time to analyse the things that are working best can help increase traffic to your website, build rapport with your readers and keep them coming back for more.Here are some ways you can track your content effectively.Identify Your Key Performance IndicatorsFor your content marketing to be successful it needs to tie in with your business and marketing objectives. And to prove its success (or lack of), you should assign key performance indicators to each of the objectives. By doing this, you will help other people in your company understand the place of content marketing in the business and give it the credit it deserves. It will also give you positive news to...
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  2908 Hits
2908 Hits

“How Did They Get that Client?” – Opportunities Lost by Law Firms

“How Did They Get that Client?” – Opportunities Lost by Law Firms
Why Content is important for your law firm
Law firms are in competition with each other. And it is only natural that law firms look at the types of clients and cases that other law firms are winning. On a daily basis solicitors across the land ask themselves "How did they manage to win that client", "Why not us?", "Are they mad?".Such questions are entirely legitimate - new business and new clients are central to the health of a law firm, and if the recent economic downturn shows us anything, it's that law firms have been hit particularly hard by a lack of activity in the marketplace. New clients need to be brought on board constantly, no matter the type of legal services your firm offers.So, why didn't that client choose you?There are obviously many reasons why a person or business chooses to instruct a particular law firm – a personal recommendation, a local office, a strong brand image....
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  3034 Hits
3034 Hits

A Plague of Plagiarism? How to Avoid Copying Content

A Plague of Plagiarism? How to Avoid Copying Content

The ethical concerns that are raised by plagiarism means those accused of dishonestly copying another's work rarely avoid public scrutiny and condemnation.

Actor Shia LaBeouf suffered a media storm following the release of a film bearing striking similarities to, and alleged direct lifts from, a Daniel Clowes comic. A law firm has also got into a spot of bother after legal journalist Joshua Rozenberg spotted the reproduction of other's writings, including his own, on their blog without accreditation.

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  5424 Hits
5424 Hits

6 Quick and Easy Content Marketing Ideas

6 Quick and Easy Content Marketing Ideas
Modern work-life makes demands on much of our time, rarely stopping between 5 and 9. Client matters and the running of a business often plays a trump card, leaving content marketing and other brand nurturing projects discarded.But... it's these content marketing projects that will help provide your clients with useful and relevant information; which will, in turn, see them reward you with their business and loyalty. And you can be pretty sure that if you're not providing them with the information they need, then someone else is.So, if you find yourself pushing the weekly blog post down the priority list for the third week running, or you just can't think of what to write about, then some (or all) of these quick and easy content marketing ideas might help.1. Ask Your AudienceYou don't need to write all the content by yourself all the time. By posing a question to your audience...
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  3982 Hits
3982 Hits

Start Making Sense – Why Updating Isn’t Communicating

Start Making Sense – Why Updating Isn’t Communicating

"You're talking a lot, but you're not sayin' anything" - 'Psycho Killer', Talking Heads

As Psycho Killer was released in 1977, it is a certainty that David Byrne wasn't lamenting the type of content that features on the blogs of most law firms' websites. His lyrics though are of great relevance today – in the Internet age where we are all publishers.

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  3134 Hits
3134 Hits

Writing Online Content Clearly and Simply

Writing Online Content Clearly and Simply

Language isn't static. It's constantly evolving and adapting to reflect (or, in some cases, shape) cultural attitudes and social interactions. This is particularly evident online - the Internet is a social sphere, filled with written information that's constantly being shared, critiqued and repurposed.

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  7148 Hits
7148 Hits

How Fiction Can Help Your Content Writing

How Fiction Can Help Your Content Writing
How to write engaging content
Writing engaging content is a creative experience. While most content for law and business is based on facts and figures, this can still be delivered in a compelling form to the reader.Whilst there’s no guarantee your financial services or commercial law updates are going to be made into the next blockbuster, it is important for your business and for your own satisfaction that they are entertaining and of value.As one of the most successful and exciting fiction writers, Chuck Palahnuik (author of Fight Club), frequently shares his insight and craft for engaging the reader - insight that can be translated to writing content. In this post we take a look at some of Chuck's methods and apply them to the art of writing content.The Egg Timer MethodIf anything, this is a great time-saver and allows you to be much more productive. The tip is: when you don’t have the energy or...
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  3323 Hits
3323 Hits

Why is Content Important?

Why is Content Important?
Low quality content, poorly transported
While websites, search engines and social media are the vehicles for online communication, content is what's being transported - and the better the quality, the more it moves and the wider its reach. If you want to give your business a voice that's heard online then quality content is crucial. Search engines love engaging and unique content (so do we). They reward it by giving it prominence in search results, which means clients find you more easily. Engaging content also makes potential and existing customers feel loved. It shows them that you want to communicate and know how to share your knowledge.But a few obstacles can get in the way of having a meaningful online presence:Delivering engaging and unique content, and consequently a great user experience, is time consuming.Creating an effective strategy that makes sense of the online world is a science, as well as an art, that requires patience and expertise.This...
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  3705 Hits
3705 Hits