Curated Media

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Discovering Durable Media: The ‘Luck-Accident-Design’ Algorithm

Discovering Durable Media: The ‘Luck-Accident-Design’ Algorithm

A look at why engaging content is durable content, demonstrated by an online search that started with cats and ended in metrics.

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Music Matters - How to Utilise Spotify and Grow Your Business Following

Music Matters - How to Utilise Spotify and Grow Your Business Following
Regardless of whether music is an issue of conformity, convention or contention for your business - you can’t deny its presence. Employees, employers, clients and connections will all have some form of relationship with music, and you can harness this relationship to build your brand and your business online.  Earlier this year, music streaming superstar Spotify introduced playlist targeting, allowing audience segmentation alongside video takeovers and sponsored sessions for brands. This targeting allows brands to track listener activity and music tastes. This means that brands can target their audience based on demographic (age group, gender, geography, language etc.), what they are listening to (playlist types, genres) and also how and where they are listening (time of day, device used).Spotify's chief revenue officer, Jeff Levick said in a company press release:"Our new targeting solutions based on rich behavioral insights combined with our global footprint in 58 markets give brands unprecedented ways to...
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Why Curated Does "Hygge" and You Should Too.

Why Curated Does "Hygge" and You Should Too.
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You may or may not be familiar with the Danish concept of “hygge”. Until recently, neither was I. The term hygge (pronounced hue-gah) can be translated into English as “cosiness”, however it is more like a sense of being comfortable, encouraging wellness and treating yourself and others well.The Danes think of hygge as essential to getting through the winter months, creating an atmosphere of warmth, romantic lighting and minimalist luxury. However, hygge isn’t reserved for middle-class hipster types. Everyone is doing it. Hygge can be as simple as getting together for a comforting meal, lighting candles or settling into a warm bath. As much as we would enjoy it, it’s not quite practical to install a bath here at Curated simply for the purpose of bringing greater hygge. However, we are going to enjoy the little things this winter, and I’m making it my mission to bring as much Danish delight...
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Top 9 Tunes to Get You in the Halloween Mood

Top 9 Tunes to Get You in the Halloween Mood
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So, at Curated House we are all exceptionally excited for Halloween for a host of different reasons. Some of us are doing fancy dress for the first time in 18 years, for others, it is the promise of mass consumption of alcohol or simply spending the night with friends watching rugby. This year, we are blessed with Halloween falling on a Saturday.While this will mean that everywhere will be crammed with people in costumes of various skill and imagination, it also means you can indulgence in all things spooky, including unashamed listening to some of the best Halloween themed music… But that doesn’t mean resorting to The Monster Mash or Time Warp.With a few days to go, we thought we would collate a list of some of our favourite tunes we’ll be playing at Curated House on Friday to get us in the mood for a weekend of pagan hedonism.9 –...
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GREAT SCOTT! It’s Back to the Future Day…

GREAT SCOTT! It’s Back to the Future Day…
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It’s been a week of ups and downs for the Curated Team. With every positive there was a negative: we got a new whiteboard, and then the pen didn’t work; SEO man Douglas bought the team biscuits, only for someone to buy full fat milk (the horror).However, all of our problems can be resolved by thinking about Wednesday 21st October. It’s a day that has been long circled in the calendars of (some of) the Curated Media team, as we get ready to put on those self-tying high-top trainers, unzip our life preservers and have some Pepsi Perfect. Prepare for some 80s throwbacks and some real nerd references, it’s Back to The Future Day!This week, we take a look at Back to the Future Day and why some marketers are tapping into it.What Is Back to The Future Day?Back to the Future Day celebrates the day that is Marty McFly and...
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Can Fantasy Football Help When Writing and Creating Content?

Can Fantasy Football Help When Writing and Creating Content?
As an admirer and hard-core fan of FXX’s The League, a comedy sitcom in which characters openly declare Fantasy Football as their religion, it is needless to say that I embraced this year’s Barclays Premier Fantasy Football League with the same sort of gusto as a five-year-old embracing Christmas Day.There was the studying and taking notes on player performance throughout the bleak-football-free-Summer season, there was the constant refreshing of the website to see if it was time to create my team and finally there was the constant emailing of friends and workmates to get them to join my league so that they could suffer the can of whoop ass that my team and Captain Aguero intended to open on them…Sadly, in the Curated Media head-to-head league, I currently sit joint bottom, despite immense preparation. But today, as I awoke cursing the International break that meant that Fantasy Football was taking off...
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When Curated Spoke at the Essential Communication Conference

When Curated Spoke at the Essential Communication Conference
In the week it was revealed that we published on average over 60,000 unique words of great legal content a month for our clients, we also popped along to the COSLA Conference Centre in Edinburgh for the Essential Communications Conference.Hosted by Hollyrood Events, the conference focused on successful marketing campaigns, social media fundamentals and the best way to create engaging content. Unlike previous conferences we have attended, however, this time we had a stage presence in David Kerr, who spoke on behalf of MLT and Curated Media about our services and the importance of measuring your content.  The Essential Communications Conference: A Breakdown of the SpeakersThe format of the conference was different to others that we have attended (see our previous blog posts) in the fact that the morning session focused solely on case studies. Rather than having speakers discussing the importance of content marketing and what you must do to...
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Something We’ve Noticed: Burden of Proof Exhibition London

Something We’ve Noticed: Burden of Proof Exhibition London
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Trawling The Guardian online, the Curated Team’s attention was brought an upcoming exhibition at The Photographers’ Gallery in London that examines the use of photographs as factual evidence of crimes.Burden of Proof: The Construction of Visual Evidence is presented in eleven case studies including the work of Alphonse Bertillon, who established a scientific protocol for the representation of crime scenes in the 19th century, some of the images projected during the Nuremberg Trials in 1945 and an analysis of a drone strike in Miranshah on 30 March 2012 based on a rare video testimony. It looks fascinating. Not only because of its subject matter, but also because it highlights how differently photographic evidence has been used, interpreted and justified as ‘an essential tool in the service of justice’ over the past two and a bit centuries.
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When Rebranding Goes Wrong: Analysis of Infamous Failures

When Rebranding Goes Wrong: Analysis of Infamous Failures
Companies are always looking for ways to increase sales and enhance market awareness. Sometimes this involves rebranding, which can make sense – companies that are willing to adapt tend to remain relevant within the market. But sometimes, rebranding can fail to meet expectations or may even do damage. Last week, we looked at how Trainline had got its recent rebrand right. This week, we look at rebrands that have gone wrong.The Danger of RebrandingRebranding can be expensive. Focus groups, strategic debate, market research and prototype creation don’t tend to come cheap. Nor is it a safe investment. A failed rebrand is money down the drain, particularly for companies that have to revert to the established logo/name of old because customers couldn’t relate to, or didn’t like, the new brand. We take a look at some of the companies that have received negative press because of a rebrand, with some even having...
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Let’s Talk About… Rebranding

Let’s Talk About… Rebranding
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What do Nike, Apple, Coca-Cola, and Google have in common? Well apart from being some of the most successful companies in the world, they are also some of the most common household names in the world. Indeed, Coca-Cola, is according to studies, the second most recognised word across the globe, second only to “OK”.Becoming such a household name does not just occur, but rather it requires expert marketing, establishing a relationship with customers, understanding what’s driving your business, a decent logo and much, much more. The internet is littered with posts about becoming a brand and how brands can be built.At Curated Media we like to put a twist on things, so this week in our “Let’s talk about” series, we thought we would look at what happens when a brand changes and how the process can be made simpler for your firm and more importantly, your customers. Today’s brand is...
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When Curated Went to Turing Festival

When Curated Went to Turing Festival
Last month, Team Curated and cronies went to the Turing Festival in Edinburgh to learn about the ins and outs of content marketing and digital technology. While all of us remembered our lunch money and permission slips, we also didn’t forget to take a few notes so that we could fill you in on the highlights and what really stood out from Turing 2015.Full Stack Marketing: Turing Festival 15One of the most interesting speakers kicked off proceedings. Mark Johnstone, VP Creative at Distilled discussed how sometimes the most exciting ideas didn’t always pay off. He spoke of the importance of thinking about your audience and whether or not they would be interested in what you were creating.He provided us with two examples of when content had and hadn’t worked. One was a rugby infographic that very few people had time for. The other was an infographic on the singing ranges of...
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Episode 1 - Law Firm Content: You Say You Will But You Won’t – Why Strategy Triumphs

Episode 1 - Law Firm Content: You Say You Will But You Won’t – Why Strategy Triumphs
Content is important - people only like to spend their time reading content that is of value to them. That is why search engines such as Google reward websites with valuable content – and the reward comes in the form of prominence in search results.Equally important is to build a strategy covering two crucial aspects of winning online – the creation of quality content and the distribution of quality content. Here we think about the first aspect - creating quality content.Partners Meeting MinutesAndrew: "Well everyone, it took a lot longer than we anticipated but I am pleased to say that the new website is now live. We still need a lot more content from you to go on the site – I know you are all very busy, and that you meant it when you said you would come up with something, but it hasn't happened. Can I ask you all...
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The Truth About Headlines

The Truth About Headlines

At Curated Towers, when we aren’t frantically updating our fantasy football team to win the office championships, we’re writing, reading and sharing high-quality content. We’re also thinking about how our clients’ content is performing and how we can get it in front of people who haven’t heard of them yet. So this week, we’ve decided to write about attention grabbing headlines, and perhaps more importantly, where those headlines take us…

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3152 Hits

Let’s Talk About: Outreach

Let’s Talk About: Outreach
This is the beginning of what will be an occasional segment in which we discuss one of the key matters of business and content strategy. We aim to keep it light, brief and to the point as well as giving some insightful information about our own content and how we manage our own channels.So, without further-a-do… OutreachOutreach is one of the most important aspects of any business model, and, it’s exactly what you think it is. Outreach is how you tell customers about your content and how you get them to view said content. You are effectively reaching out to them to inform them about what is going on and why they may be interested. Outreach can take many forms from the simple old word of mouth to a hazarding upon a hidden gem.It is important that you use as much as possible and as many opportunities to publish and push...
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Why It's Worth Paying for Quality Content

Why It's Worth Paying for Quality Content
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Recently, at Curated Media we undertook a small experiment, with a few writers looking at the cheap content creation companies offering their services to businesses in the UK. These sites look to recruit copywriters, keen journalists and the ever-skint student to create landing pages.They do so on the cheap by either paying a penny per word or having a set fee for every hundred words. This may shock you, but a landing page worth £3.50 to a writer churning out content to ensure they can get Heinz Macaroni and Cheese in this week’s shop won’t be as effective as a landing page written by an expert writer. Here’s why.Issue with the Business ModelThe issue with cheap copywriting sites is that deep down, in their heart of hearts, they don’t care about content, and if it isn’t too bold to say it, they attract firms that probably don’t care too. They don’t...
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FAQs About Curated Media

FAQs About Curated Media
FAQs about Curated Media Outsourcing your content can be an exceptionally useful decision in the world of business, especially in the legal sector. By allowing experts to create high quality public facing content on your behalf, you’re still engaging with new and existing clients while freeing up members of the firm to focus on their fee-earning work.Today, we take you through some of the most frequently asked questions regarding our legal writing services, which will hopefully provide you with some insight into how content marketing can benefit your firm.Is Content Marketing that important?Good content can improve your visibility online, grow your brand and establish a relationship between your business and clients – so, yes, content marketing is important. By publishing fantastic content, you can acquire and retain clients and drastically expand your pool of potential fee-earning work.Why choose a specialist?As more firms chose to outsource their content to marketing experts, other...
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Is Content Marketing Getting More Difficult?

Is Content Marketing Getting More Difficult?
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Almost everyone in the world of business will have heard of content marketing. In fact, if every business got a dollar for each time they heard the phrase “content is king”, they’d most likely be multi-millionaires by now.However, there is no doubt that as popular as content marketing is getting more common, it isn’t easy. While it doesn’t cost millions to have good content marketing, it takes time, effort, good editing and strong writing skills to install an effective content marketing system. Take it from us - it doesn’t just happen.But the question is whether it’s becoming more difficult for firms to create their own content and be masters of their content strategy? The simple answer would be yes. Yes, it is.Content Management: It’s So Much More Than AdvertisingThe simple fact of the matter is that good content works in ways that advertising simply cannot. By reading something eye-catching or engaging,...
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3135 Hits

When Curated Went to “Go Think Big on Tour” in Glasgow

When Curated Went to “Go Think Big on Tour” in Glasgow
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As well as getting a few free coffees, a nice pen and having a civilised chat with a few representatives from large companies, we had a relatively great time at the GoThinkBig Tour in Glasgow. Sit back and let us talk to you through our afternoon if you were unfortunate enough to miss it.What is GoThinkBigSet up during one of the bleakest economic outlooks for the country, GoThinkBig is an online digital hub aimed at providing youngsters and graduates with the skills to enhance their potential careers. Whether it be work experience, an internship or a full-time job, the site aims to provide career advice, contacts and tips to help workers land their dream role. By utilising their connections with a whole host of companies in the media industry and further afield, the organisation aims to motivate and aid people in taking the first steps towards their career.Last week, the GoThinkBig...
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A Day in the Life of the Editing Team

A Day in the Life of the Editing Team
‘There are similarities between being an editor and a tailor. Tailors have a vast supply of fabrics, buttons and thread at their disposal and put it together to make a whole. That's what an editor does - looks at society at a given time and pulls together the interesting aspects into a single issue.’- Graydon CarterWe want to take this opportunity to state that none of the editors are bald, meaning that the writers haven’t driven them to pulling out their hair (yet). However, it’s fair to say that with a host of writers creating a constant stream of legal content (between 25,000-50,000 words a week), our editors have a pretty tough job knocking raw copy into shape for our clients, while trying to do as little damage as possible to the writing team’s confidence.This week, we take you through a typical working day for the editors, to give you some...
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A Day in the Life of the Social Team

A Day in the Life of the Social Team
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All of our writers have some degree of social media knowledge, with many managing both their own and work accounts. However, just in-case someone accidentally tweets a picture of a cat rather than an article, we also have a social team dedicated to the task of getting our clients’ content to the right audience.Having taken a look at what our writers get up to, this week we turn our attention to the social team and what a typical day at Curated Towers means for them.09:10 - After all the angry writers (pre-coffee) have heard the kettle boil and had their cups filled with caffeine, the social team gathers for a discussion regarding current trends and the current state of our clients’ accounts.09:25 - Following a brief discussion, they look ahead at what is to come throughout the day and take notes of what can be best shared at certain times.09:30 -...
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