Curated Media

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Episode 1 - Law Firm Content: You Say You Will But You Won’t – Why Strategy Triumphs

Episode 1 - Law Firm Content: You Say You Will But You Won’t – Why Strategy Triumphs
Content is important - people only like to spend their time reading content that is of value to them. That is why search engines such as Google reward websites with valuable content – and the reward comes in the form of prominence in search results.Equally important is to build a strategy covering two crucial aspects of winning online – the creation of quality content and the distribution of quality content. Here we think about the first aspect - creating quality content.Partners Meeting MinutesAndrew: "Well everyone, it took a lot longer than we anticipated but I am pleased to say that the new website is now live. We still need a lot more content from you to go on the site – I know you are all very busy, and that you meant it when you said you would come up with something, but it hasn't happened. Can I ask you all...
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4386 Hits

FAQs About Curated Media

FAQs About Curated Media
FAQs about Curated Media Outsourcing your content can be an exceptionally useful decision in the world of business, especially in the legal sector. By allowing experts to create high quality public facing content on your behalf, you’re still engaging with new and existing clients while freeing up members of the firm to focus on their fee-earning work.Today, we take you through some of the most frequently asked questions regarding our legal writing services, which will hopefully provide you with some insight into how content marketing can benefit your firm.Is Content Marketing that important?Good content can improve your visibility online, grow your brand and establish a relationship between your business and clients – so, yes, content marketing is important. By publishing fantastic content, you can acquire and retain clients and drastically expand your pool of potential fee-earning work.Why choose a specialist?As more firms chose to outsource their content to marketing experts, other...
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3820 Hits

Five Ways For Law Firms To Rejuvenate Their Content Marketing

Five Ways For Law Firms To Rejuvenate Their Content Marketing
content tips
Many law firms are experts at what they do, whether it be criminal defence, personal injury or employment law. With legal cases, clients and fresh claims coming in, it can be difficult to keep your content up-to-date and not get stuck in bad habits when it comes to content creation.Content is vitally important for your online personality, it assures customers that you are a professional firm, provides vital information for existing and potential clients and aids your firm’s visibility on search engines. Yet despite content being crucial to the online success of a company, many law firms still struggle to create and follow a successful content marketing strategy.At Curated Media, we specialise in writing legal content for law firms. Here we look at five ways to update, or freshen-up, your content marketing endeavours.Native AdvertisingNative advertising is advertising that matches the form and the platform on which it appears. Social media sites...
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4063 Hits

How to Generate Blog Ideas & Find Relevant Content Topics

How to Generate Blog Ideas & Find Relevant Content Topics
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Writer’s block, blank page syndrome, burnout. All content creators will face one of these at some point. We were struggling to come up with an idea for our own content, until our struggle became our idea...Six Ways to Generate Ideas for Your Blog1.Listen to your clientsJust like when using social media, you can post and post to your heart’s content, but if you fail to follow trends and listen to the market, you may as well delete your account. When creating content, listen to the feedback of your clients, gauge from analytics what appeals to them.Most importantly, listen to the feedback. If someone gets in touch with a question, respond. If someone gets in touch criticising your writing style (maybe have a little cry) but then respond. Learn from their comments and use the feedback to improve your site.If you utilise the power of social media or have frequent meetings with...
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5152 Hits

A Plague of Plagiarism? How to Avoid Copying Content

A Plague of Plagiarism? How to Avoid Copying Content

The ethical concerns that are raised by plagiarism means those accused of dishonestly copying another's work rarely avoid public scrutiny and condemnation.

Actor Shia LaBeouf suffered a media storm following the release of a film bearing striking similarities to, and alleged direct lifts from, a Daniel Clowes comic. A law firm has also got into a spot of bother after legal journalist Joshua Rozenberg spotted the reproduction of other's writings, including his own, on their blog without accreditation.

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5521 Hits