Curated Media

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Should your firm’s digital agency be sector specific?

Law Firm Digital Marketing
Curated Media and sister company Moore Legal technology is unique in that few other agencies do what we do: provide content and digital marketing services to the legal industry, and the legal industry alone. Our team is almost entirely made up of digital marketers with law degrees and many staff have worked as solicitors in previous lives. We know the profession inside out. It’s this first-hand experience coupled with more than a decade of marketing expertise that gives our clients the enhanced assurance that law firms need when choosing an agency.The range of services now offered as standard by full-service digital companies is vast:• Web design and development • Content marketing • SEO• SEM / PPC • Social Media Marketing• Email marketing… the list goes on.With so many digital marketing and communications agencies out there, all claiming to be experts in multiple sector areas and having the relevant in-house niche specialists,...
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4216 Hits

Beyond words: Create content with dynamism

Beyond words:
Create content with dynamism
legal web content
We extol the written word at Curated Media. Labouring over every sentence until we get it right is what we strive for. For many, that’s web content - the written word; especially so in terms of lawyers and law firms. Long-form evergreen content and insightful whitepapers effectively showcase expertise and knowledge, instilling trust in clients and respect from peers. High-quality, expertly written content is absolutely vital for the legal sector and so all law firms need a bespoke content marketing strategy in order to thrive - and ultimately survive - online.However, it’s important to bear in mind that ‘web content’ doesn’t begin and end with writing. Anything the user sees and engages with when they arrive on a landing page is content.Wikipedia defines web content thus: “ … the textual, visual or aural content that is encountered as part of the user experience on websites. It may include - among other...
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5764 Hits

How Can Law Firms Succeed in Search?

How Can Law Firms Succeed in Search?
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Members of Team Curated offer some insights into key components that can help law firms improve their sites’ search ranking. Broadly, it’s about creating a site and content that appeal to users as much as search engines.Senior Content Strategist Emma Flood describes nurturing and growing your website for search through strategy and commitment:"Many people believe that succeeding in search is all about SEO wizardry, but this is only part of the story. Like most other endeavours succeeding in search is also about good old-fashioned hard work. When you build a website for your law firm, it is similar to setting up shop. You don’t simply put up an open sign and expect clients to find you, you still need to put in a great effort to find clients and attract their attention to your business. One of the best ways of attracting new clients in search is through creating consistent, high-quality...
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5062 Hits

The Glasgow Effect - is keeping it local a good marketing strategy?

The Glasgow Effect - is keeping it local a good marketing strategy?
The internet could not disguise it’s outrage after artist Ellie Harrison set up the Facebook page describing her latest project “The Glasgow Effect”. This project involves Ellie not leaving the greater Glasgow area for an entire year, in order to “test the limits of a ‘sustainable practice’ and to challenge the demand-to-travel placed upon the ‘successful’ artist / academic.”The controversial part of this project for many, is that Ellie received a grant of £15,000 to undertake the experiment from Creative Scotland through the Open Project Funding Programme. The mob could not contain themselves, highlighting that many people in Glasgow never leave the area, and don't even come close to earning £15,000 per year, accusing Ellie of attempting to create “poverty porn”.The premise of Ellie’s project is that many artists and academics feel the need to move away to become successful. However in the world of content marketing, we like to think...
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4206 Hits

Meat-Free Marketing - Is the Digital World Changing the Way We Eat?

Meat-Free Marketing - Is the Digital World Changing the Way We Eat?
meat free week
In the age of rapid digitalisation, people now have access to more information than ever before. This allows us to make more informed decisions about our lifestyles, our health and the way we eat.The online food world is an ever-changing battleground, between the weight-loss community, the food-for-fitness junkies and, of course, those who advocate a meat-free lifestyle - it’s no surprise that the internet is a great influence on the food choices we make day to day.I haven’t yet used the term vegan or vegetarian because people who describe themselves in this way are only a small fraction of the meat-free marketing revolution. We now have: meat avoiders; meat-reducers; juicers; plant-based lifestyle advocates; plant-protein fasters; weekday vegetarians; and, many more in between. We also have ‘pegans’ which, after much research, I discovered are those who collaborate paleo and vegan in quite a vague way that I don’t fully understand. However, what...
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4463 Hits

Discovering Durable Media: The ‘Luck-Accident-Design’ Algorithm

Discovering Durable Media: The ‘Luck-Accident-Design’ Algorithm

A look at why engaging content is durable content, demonstrated by an online search that started with cats and ended in metrics.

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3726 Hits

Top 9 Tunes to Get You in the Halloween Mood

Top 9 Tunes to Get You in the Halloween Mood
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So, at Curated House we are all exceptionally excited for Halloween for a host of different reasons. Some of us are doing fancy dress for the first time in 18 years, for others, it is the promise of mass consumption of alcohol or simply spending the night with friends watching rugby. This year, we are blessed with Halloween falling on a Saturday.While this will mean that everywhere will be crammed with people in costumes of various skill and imagination, it also means you can indulgence in all things spooky, including unashamed listening to some of the best Halloween themed music… But that doesn’t mean resorting to The Monster Mash or Time Warp.With a few days to go, we thought we would collate a list of some of our favourite tunes we’ll be playing at Curated House on Friday to get us in the mood for a weekend of pagan hedonism.9 –...
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3291 Hits

When Curated Spoke at the Essential Communication Conference

When Curated Spoke at the Essential Communication Conference
In the week it was revealed that we published on average over 60,000 unique words of great legal content a month for our clients, we also popped along to the COSLA Conference Centre in Edinburgh for the Essential Communications Conference.Hosted by Hollyrood Events, the conference focused on successful marketing campaigns, social media fundamentals and the best way to create engaging content. Unlike previous conferences we have attended, however, this time we had a stage presence in David Kerr, who spoke on behalf of MLT and Curated Media about our services and the importance of measuring your content.  The Essential Communications Conference: A Breakdown of the SpeakersThe format of the conference was different to others that we have attended (see our previous blog posts) in the fact that the morning session focused solely on case studies. Rather than having speakers discussing the importance of content marketing and what you must do to...
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3342 Hits

Let’s Talk About… Rebranding

Let’s Talk About… Rebranding
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What do Nike, Apple, Coca-Cola, and Google have in common? Well apart from being some of the most successful companies in the world, they are also some of the most common household names in the world. Indeed, Coca-Cola, is according to studies, the second most recognised word across the globe, second only to “OK”.Becoming such a household name does not just occur, but rather it requires expert marketing, establishing a relationship with customers, understanding what’s driving your business, a decent logo and much, much more. The internet is littered with posts about becoming a brand and how brands can be built.At Curated Media we like to put a twist on things, so this week in our “Let’s talk about” series, we thought we would look at what happens when a brand changes and how the process can be made simpler for your firm and more importantly, your customers. Today’s brand is...
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4571 Hits

Episode 1 - Law Firm Content: You Say You Will But You Won’t – Why Strategy Triumphs

Episode 1 - Law Firm Content: You Say You Will But You Won’t – Why Strategy Triumphs
Content is important - people only like to spend their time reading content that is of value to them. That is why search engines such as Google reward websites with valuable content – and the reward comes in the form of prominence in search results.Equally important is to build a strategy covering two crucial aspects of winning online – the creation of quality content and the distribution of quality content. Here we think about the first aspect - creating quality content.Partners Meeting MinutesAndrew: "Well everyone, it took a lot longer than we anticipated but I am pleased to say that the new website is now live. We still need a lot more content from you to go on the site – I know you are all very busy, and that you meant it when you said you would come up with something, but it hasn't happened. Can I ask you all...
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4290 Hits

FAQs About Curated Media

FAQs About Curated Media
FAQs about Curated Media Outsourcing your content can be an exceptionally useful decision in the world of business, especially in the legal sector. By allowing experts to create high quality public facing content on your behalf, you’re still engaging with new and existing clients while freeing up members of the firm to focus on their fee-earning work.Today, we take you through some of the most frequently asked questions regarding our legal writing services, which will hopefully provide you with some insight into how content marketing can benefit your firm.Is Content Marketing that important?Good content can improve your visibility online, grow your brand and establish a relationship between your business and clients – so, yes, content marketing is important. By publishing fantastic content, you can acquire and retain clients and drastically expand your pool of potential fee-earning work.Why choose a specialist?As more firms chose to outsource their content to marketing experts, other...
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3664 Hits

A Day in the Life of the Social Team

A Day in the Life of the Social Team
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All of our writers have some degree of social media knowledge, with many managing both their own and work accounts. However, just in-case someone accidentally tweets a picture of a cat rather than an article, we also have a social team dedicated to the task of getting our clients’ content to the right audience.Having taken a look at what our writers get up to, this week we turn our attention to the social team and what a typical day at Curated Towers means for them.09:10 - After all the angry writers (pre-coffee) have heard the kettle boil and had their cups filled with caffeine, the social team gathers for a discussion regarding current trends and the current state of our clients’ accounts.09:25 - Following a brief discussion, they look ahead at what is to come throughout the day and take notes of what can be best shared at certain times.09:30 -...
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3324 Hits

Five Ways For Law Firms To Rejuvenate Their Content Marketing

Five Ways For Law Firms To Rejuvenate Their Content Marketing
content tips
Many law firms are experts at what they do, whether it be criminal defence, personal injury or employment law. With legal cases, clients and fresh claims coming in, it can be difficult to keep your content up-to-date and not get stuck in bad habits when it comes to content creation.Content is vitally important for your online personality, it assures customers that you are a professional firm, provides vital information for existing and potential clients and aids your firm’s visibility on search engines. Yet despite content being crucial to the online success of a company, many law firms still struggle to create and follow a successful content marketing strategy.At Curated Media, we specialise in writing legal content for law firms. Here we look at five ways to update, or freshen-up, your content marketing endeavours.Native AdvertisingNative advertising is advertising that matches the form and the platform on which it appears. Social media sites...
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3962 Hits

Does Content Lie Away From Websites?

Does Content Lie Away From Websites?
NY Times
The New York Times has always been a leader, continuously publishing since 1851, winning 114 Pulitzer Prizes along the way; so it’s a safe bet to say that they are pretty good at what they do. But the digital age hasn’t exactly been the most glorious time in the illustrious history of one of the most popular newspapers in America - and it is this troubled past that makes the New York Times latest move even more risky, and more surprising.The New York Times announced recently that they would start moving away from publishing directly to their website (which has a paywall), and instead place their articles directly on Facebook through a new Facebook publishing app. Why has such a move been brought about? Will it pay off? Furthermore, could it work for law firms?Content Publication on Social MediaThe rise of social media has changed almost every aspect of business. Whether...
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5096 Hits

Why Are Some Law Firms Still Failing To Master Content Marketing

Why Are Some Law Firms Still Failing To Master Content Marketing
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Online marketing is all about content. Every content blog, research paper or expert on Twitter will try and slip in that “content is king” and that good quality content is the key to any online success. It’s been well known and documented by experts, yet, firms continually get content marketing wrong. How, in this Golden Age, are legal firms still failing to engage with clients online?Why Should Legal Firms Outsource Their Content?There is a serious issue when it comes to legal firms creating content - for many, simply getting content out there, no matter its quality or relevance, is assumed to be enough. Some firms update their sites with short, relatively meaningless and impersonal content, believing it to satisfy potential customers and show their site is up to date.This goes against all that we stand for at Curated Media. We believe in creating high quality, in-depth and optimised content.According to a...
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4653 Hits

The Best and Worst Social Media Practices For Law Firms

The Best and Worst Social Media Practices For Law Firms
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 Last week we discussed the success of our Instagram competition in work, with the winner taking their place in the Curated Media Hall of Fame. While the contest focused on the account with the most followers, the true aim of the competition was to establish if Instagram was useful for law firms.We concluded that Instagram provided a “behind the scenes” feel that is often missing on other social media platforms for legal companies. Through Instagram firms could show that although they often conducted business professionally, and deal with numerous serious issues, they too could have a bit of fun along the way. We thought this week we would analyse some of the worst social media marketing practices and tools for sharing legal content.In order to understand some of the worst processes and tactics used by companies in social media, it is important first to comprehend the best practices for utilising the...
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4823 Hits

How to Generate Blog Ideas & Find Relevant Content Topics

How to Generate Blog Ideas & Find Relevant Content Topics
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Writer’s block, blank page syndrome, burnout. All content creators will face one of these at some point. We were struggling to come up with an idea for our own content, until our struggle became our idea...Six Ways to Generate Ideas for Your Blog1.Listen to your clientsJust like when using social media, you can post and post to your heart’s content, but if you fail to follow trends and listen to the market, you may as well delete your account. When creating content, listen to the feedback of your clients, gauge from analytics what appeals to them.Most importantly, listen to the feedback. If someone gets in touch with a question, respond. If someone gets in touch criticising your writing style (maybe have a little cry) but then respond. Learn from their comments and use the feedback to improve your site.If you utilise the power of social media or have frequent meetings with...
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  5030 Hits
5030 Hits

Social Media Trends in 2015: An Effective Use of #TheDress

Social Media Trends in 2015: An Effective Use of #TheDress
Social Media Trends 2015
Last week we talked about “The Dress” and the importance of trends. We are going to assume that vast majority of you reading this have some idea of what “the dress” is, but if you don’t know what it is and you've evaded #TheDress, congratulations.“The Dress” became a viral sensation by an optical illusion changing the colour of a blue and black dress to white and gold for some. Whilst news channels and 24/7 media feasted on what was an easy story, many companies immediately jumped on the bandwagon of trying to make “The Dress” part of their content marketing for the week. As we discussed in last week’s post, it worked for some but proved dangerous for others.As fun as it was last week poking fun at some terrible attempts of jumping on the dress trend, we thought it would only be fair to look at some examples of fantastic...
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4486 Hits

A Plague of Plagiarism? How to Avoid Copying Content

A Plague of Plagiarism? How to Avoid Copying Content

The ethical concerns that are raised by plagiarism means those accused of dishonestly copying another's work rarely avoid public scrutiny and condemnation.

Actor Shia LaBeouf suffered a media storm following the release of a film bearing striking similarities to, and alleged direct lifts from, a Daniel Clowes comic. A law firm has also got into a spot of bother after legal journalist Joshua Rozenberg spotted the reproduction of other's writings, including his own, on their blog without accreditation.

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5424 Hits

Why is Content Important?

Why is Content Important?
Low quality content, poorly transported
While websites, search engines and social media are the vehicles for online communication, content is what's being transported - and the better the quality, the more it moves and the wider its reach. If you want to give your business a voice that's heard online then quality content is crucial. Search engines love engaging and unique content (so do we). They reward it by giving it prominence in search results, which means clients find you more easily. Engaging content also makes potential and existing customers feel loved. It shows them that you want to communicate and know how to share your knowledge.But a few obstacles can get in the way of having a meaningful online presence:Delivering engaging and unique content, and consequently a great user experience, is time consuming.Creating an effective strategy that makes sense of the online world is a science, as well as an art, that requires patience and expertise.This...
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3705 Hits