Curated Media

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A Day in the Life of the Social Team

A Day in the Life of the Social Team
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All of our writers have some degree of social media knowledge, with many managing both their own and work accounts. However, just in-case someone accidentally tweets a picture of a cat rather than an article, we also have a social team dedicated to the task of getting our clients’ content to the right audience.Having taken a look at what our writers get up to, this week we turn our attention to the social team and what a typical day at Curated Towers means for them.09:10 - After all the angry writers (pre-coffee) have heard the kettle boil and had their cups filled with caffeine, the social team gathers for a discussion regarding current trends and the current state of our clients’ accounts.09:25 - Following a brief discussion, they look ahead at what is to come throughout the day and take notes of what can be best shared at certain times.09:30 -...
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  3456 Hits
3456 Hits

The Best and Worst Social Media Practices For Law Firms

The Best and Worst Social Media Practices For Law Firms
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 Last week we discussed the success of our Instagram competition in work, with the winner taking their place in the Curated Media Hall of Fame. While the contest focused on the account with the most followers, the true aim of the competition was to establish if Instagram was useful for law firms.We concluded that Instagram provided a “behind the scenes” feel that is often missing on other social media platforms for legal companies. Through Instagram firms could show that although they often conducted business professionally, and deal with numerous serious issues, they too could have a bit of fun along the way. We thought this week we would analyse some of the worst social media marketing practices and tools for sharing legal content.In order to understand some of the worst processes and tactics used by companies in social media, it is important first to comprehend the best practices for utilising the...
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  4910 Hits
4910 Hits

Why is Instagram Good For Business?

Why is Instagram Good For Business?
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Instagram is associated with lifestyle bloggers, celebrities and taking pictures of your food  but can this important institution be harnessed for business marketing? If so, how do you amass a following on Instagram? How important is content, brand or engagement? We figured there was only one way to find out.A hotly contested competition saw a few members of the Curated Media team take to Instagram with shiny new Instagram accounts to see who could get the most followers. However, the real prize could be found  in  learning about one of the most underused social media tool in the business world.Every member of staff learned something valuable about the social media site, and about using it as a way of marketing a business or brand.This week we talk you through our Curated contest and analyse why Instagram may be the “unsung hero” of the content marketing world.An Introduction to InstagramInstagram is an...
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6092 Hits

Social Media Trends in 2015: An Effective Use of #TheDress

Social Media Trends in 2015: An Effective Use of #TheDress
Social Media Trends 2015
Last week we talked about “The Dress” and the importance of trends. We are going to assume that vast majority of you reading this have some idea of what “the dress” is, but if you don’t know what it is and you've evaded #TheDress, congratulations.“The Dress” became a viral sensation by an optical illusion changing the colour of a blue and black dress to white and gold for some. Whilst news channels and 24/7 media feasted on what was an easy story, many companies immediately jumped on the bandwagon of trying to make “The Dress” part of their content marketing for the week. As we discussed in last week’s post, it worked for some but proved dangerous for others.As fun as it was last week poking fun at some terrible attempts of jumping on the dress trend, we thought it would only be fair to look at some examples of fantastic...
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  4592 Hits
4592 Hits