All of our writers have some degree of social media knowledge, with many managing both their own and work accounts. However, just in-case someone accidentally tweets a picture of a cat rather than an article, we also have a social team dedicated to the task of getting our clients’ content to the right audience.
Having taken a look at what our writers get up to, this week we turn our attention to the social team and what a typical day at Curated Towers means for them.
09:10 - After all the angry writers (pre-coffee) have heard the kettle boil and had their cups filled with caffeine, the social team gathers for a discussion regarding current trends and the current state of our clients’ accounts.
09:25 - Following a brief discussion, they look ahead at what is to come throughout the day and take notes of what can be best shared at certain times.
09:30 - Older, evergreen content is pushed out through social media accounts on various channels.
09:45 - Responses are sent to those who have interacted with our Twitter and Facebook pages in the last 24 hours, often in the form of a reply to their question or pointing in the right direction for getting more information.
10:15 - The team examine, in meticulous detail, the analytics from each article published and each page to see if there has been a surge in traffic from a certain source or certain account. Our team will also look to see the search terms behind what’s driving traffic to the site, and will pass this information on to the writers and editors, so they can create their content around the most used search terms.
10:50 - A quick coffee break around now usually helps provide relief from looking at in-depth analytics and stats.
11:25 - Each social account is monitored and new followers are added to provide a wider audience and more accounts for us to interact and share material with.
11:45 - SEO man Douglas, who is usually in before 8 am grabs his first lunch, signalling to the rest of the crew that it’s socially acceptable to eat lunch.
12:15 - Lunch is had with most of the team opting to close their screen to give their eyes a break. SEO man Douglas and others hit the gym or go a walk in the Glasgow sunshine.
13:30 - The team reconvenes following a generous lunch break to analyse the latest news for the day and to look at what lies ahead for the rest of the day.
14:00 - In between checking that the internet hasn’t broken since the team took lunch, the social team gather around to take on the writers and other members of the Curated Crew with the “On This Day” challenge. As mentioned in the last blog, the quiz is a huge deal in Curated House with the winner being granted bragging rights for the day. If social win, they tend to tweet about it.
14:15 - The team monitors LinkedIn and pushes legal content to relevant groups and professionals, to spread the word about our content as well as our clients.
14:45 - SEO staff receive the content from writers and ensure that it is optimised and ready to be published following editing. Thankfully, our writers are pretty good at ensuring the content is optimised. Therefore, this part of our job is pretty easy.
15:00 - The writers and social team meet up, usually in a battle over the kettle and whatever cake has been brought in.
15:20 - New content is uploaded by the social team and distributed to online platforms such as Google+, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
15:50 - The schedule for the next day is released and the social team start planning, while finishing all content uploads and resolving any issues. The team tend to analyse the back end of most of the websites around this time, to see what the traffic has been like for the day and how it can be improved.
16:30 - Social scheduling for the next day and early hours of the morning begins, with the team analysing trends and likely trends before opting to push certain pieces of content. Following the conclusion of this across the vast majority of the social platforms, the team packs up and heads home for a tweet-free night!
Contact Us
While many law firms have acceptable legal content, at Curated Media we specialise in creating optimised content that is unique to you firm. We also know how to distribute it and get it in front of the right audience. To find out how we can help your company grow online, please contact us.